Friday 14 March 2014

Adventures with Bertie

Where did the winter go? Catching up with friends, piling logs onto the roof and generally settling into 'winter mode'. And of course, taking part in the Saint Nicholas Parade - we still don't know who or what we are supposed to be - but it's great fun and the children of SJDL love it.

Before we knew it, it was time to head south to spend Christmas with Les and Jude and Ellie, their 'new' dog. 

But also to set about another adventure - to find a suitable motor home and become 'camping caristes' as the French call them. We'd had little luck with the few dealerships in Burgundy. So armed with lots of useful information from Neil and Angela, who even drove out to Burgundy to share their motor home experiences with us (it was great to spend time with them again), we had a number of dealerships to visit in the south that Les and Jude had already researched. 

Crossing the Millau Viaduct - Norman Foster design

We found Bertie the Burstner at a very good dealership near Avignon and Les and Jude also found their ideal van - also a Burstner, 'Bettie' - result!

Spent a lovely Christmas with Les and Jude and returned to Saint Jean de Losne in time for the New Year's Eve Party. 

This year it was held at the Boating Museum - lots of fun, good atmosphere and a great time had by all.


A flying visit middle of January by train back south to pick up Bertie. 
Then the fun began. A whole new set of challenges... 

Fitted the gas bottles, went for a 'shakedown' trip for a couple of nights, helped organise the Valentine's Day party - once again at the Museum, renamed 'Fat Sam's Speakeasy' for the night and had a wonderful time being Mobsters and Molls for the night. 

The following Sunday set off south once again and adventures with Bertie were 
about  to begin....

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